Off-Shoring Manifesto
Twenty hard truths about pitfalls and opportunities. Also at ChangeThis.
A collection of rarely used slides ranging from China’s emergence to outsourcing.
A commentary on the developer of modal containerization and the effects of it.
Business Excellence in a Digital Age
Tom says business now is much the same as in 1982 when he co-wrote Search.
Hot Books/Recent Readings
Subjects include the personalized web, gamification, big data, etc.
Leadership 11
“The Change Tsunami”: jobs; technology; globalization; and war, warfighting & security.
From the book Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World, by Chris Steiner.
Robert Cooper
A look at The Breaking of Nations: Order and Chaos in the 21st Century, by Cooper.
73 Big Things
Find 73 of Tom’s fave tips in this PowerPoint, e.g., social media, power of algorithms.
Healthcare Master
Including chapters such as “And They Call It Science” and “Over-treatment.”
Healthcare Horrors and Hope
A look at quality of care, technology, and the importance of kindness.
Connectivity via the Internet: the accompanying advances, changes, and challenges.
Education for the Third Millennium
Tom gives his view of what’s wrong with education and how to improve it.