
EIGHTEEN Number Ones
A one-pager giving top priorities in 18 categories for your path to Excellence.

Discover Greatness
The nub of leadership is “helping/inviting others to ‘Discover Their Greatness.’ ”

100 Ways to Succeed/Make Money, 51–100
The second half of the 100 Success Tips. Also at ChangeThis.

The One Thing You Need to Know: The good manager uses what’s unique about each employee.

Managing By Wandering Around
Tom expounds on one of his favorite basics from In Search of Excellence.

Moral Bedrock
A leader’s principal obligation = Develop the skillset of everyone in the organization.

Project Leadership Excellence
42 points of reference for measuring your project leadership skills.

Ultimate Success Secrets
Respect, autonomy, and sky-high aspirations are the attributes that will bring you to success.

Tom speaks on creativity. Quoting Richard Florida, he calls it “the ultimate economic resource.”

Off-Shoring Manifesto
Twenty hard truths about pitfalls and opportunities. Also at ChangeThis.

Frontline Managers
In this video, longtime fan Dave Wheeler asks how Tom came to focus on frontline managers.

Tailoring Speeches
Tom’s answer to: “How do you tailor your speech to a different audience every time?”

Tom replies to a question submitted by website visitor Keith Clark about finding inspiration on difficult days.

The 3H Video
Howard Schultz, Herb Kelleher, Conrad Hilton: Lessons for business success.PowerPoint, also.

The Dream Manager
Tom explores the message from Cool Friend Matthew Kelly’s book, The Dream Manager.

High Standard Deviation Enterprise
Getting WEIRD and staying WEIRD: Creating & Maintaining an HSDE.

Boss-Free Implementation 2002
Prove your theory far from the top brass before you propose it to them.

Mini Presentations
Includes: Implementation, Corporate Culture, Managing By Wandering Around, Design.

TIB (This I Believe) Long
Tom says: love the mess, work in Technicolor, embrace deviance, etc.

Sales 25
Thoughts on great salespeople. Longer: “Excellence Always, Stitched.” Also at ChangeThis.

Tom Peters’ Lessons
Everything Tom learned about small business in the 25 years from 1981 to 2006.

All You Need to Know MASTER
Includes the themes of decency; curiosity; action; and try, fail, try again.

The Big 5
The art of listening is featured, with courtesy and appreciation as corollary behaviors.

Interviewing Excellence
How to conduct an interview to get the best people into your organization.

Excellence Opener
Visiting Novosibirsk, Siberia, in 2006 refreshed Tom’s passion for Excellence.

Re-imagine Manifesto
“Tomato TomA[h]to!” A list of “They say… I say” contrasts. Also at ChangeThis.

Leadership 11
“The Change Tsunami”: jobs; technology; globalization; and war, warfighting & security.

Leadership 50
An updated “Leadership 50: All Bases,” these slides outline leadership best practices.

From the book Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World, by Chris Steiner.

The Adaptive Organization
Hire for attitude, character, and proven teamwork more than for skill.

Debunking 6 Myths
Six superbly researched books attack six management/performance Foundation Myths.

Advice on Writing and Communication
In this video, Tom discusses writing influences and public speaking.

Innovation in Large Companies
A question from website visitor Jack Webb, “Why don’t big companies innovate?”

Irreducibles209, Sales122, This I Believe Master
Get lots of info in this three-in-one PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Stuff
A mixed bag of subjects & quotes from Jack Welch, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa.

Tom gives his favorite lines from Steve Jobs’s 2005 Stanford commencement address.

The HR/Training Manifesto
“Who are we?” “What’s our story?” Every employee should know the answers.

73 Big Things
Find 73 of Tom’s fave tips in this PowerPoint, e.g., social media, power of algorithms.

100 Ways to Succeed/Make Money, 1–50
The first half of the Success Tips. Also at ChangeThis.

The Big 8
Tom’s 8 universal truths of excellence in organizations, e.g., appreciating your people.

Healthcare Master
Including chapters such as “And They Call It Science” and “Over-treatment.”

Healthcare Horrors and Hope
A look at quality of care, technology, and the importance of kindness.

Moving Stuff Around
A slides presentation about how you can become a change agent by managing spaces.

Management Collective Behavior
The Arrangement of Human Affairs in Pursuit of Desired Outcomes.

State of Women in USA Business
A two-page challenge from Tom: How do women fare in your organization?

In Search of Excellence
A 3‑Generation Report Card: 20 years from publication, Tom looks back.

Education 2002
This PDF gives Tom’s prescription for education to prepare for work life today.

Leadership 3
Three treatises on leadership: The Leadership50, The Leadership25, and LeadershipSHORT.

“Acknowledgement” may be the most important word in the English language, per Tom.

People (REALLY) First!
Do people come first in your organization? Measure yourself by Tom’s criteria.

Susan Cain: Quiet
Cain’s book inspired Tom to re-evaluate how we all see the non-talkers among us.

Leadership 50: All Bases
Tom’s 50 standards for leaders, with more exposition than “Leadership 50”.